Composite Bonding in Milton Keynes

Restore your confidence in a single appointment with our tailored composite bonding in Milton Keynes.

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Transform Your Smile In A Day With Dental Bonding

Also known as composite bonding, our dental bonding in Milton Keynes is a quick yet highly effective method of rectifying minor tooth damage. Designed to reshape, recolour and recontour your natural teeth, dental bonding offers instant results, allowing you to leave our practice with newfound confidence. Whether you would like to alter the appearance of a few or all teeth, this advanced treatment can be used to:

  • Straighten misshapen teeth
  • Fix gaps between teeth
  • Repair chipped or broken teeth
  • Restore discoloured teeth
  • Reduce the appearance of gum recession

What Does Teeth Bonding Involve?

While every patient treatment plan is unique, our dentists follow a refined process to ensure maximum results. With this in mind, here is what to expect during your teeth bonding in Milton Keynes.


First, your dentist will choose a resin material that seamlessly matches your teeth to achieve a natural finish. Next, each tooth is prepared by gently roughening the surface using a conditioning gel or mild etching solution, ensuring the resin can adhere well to the tooth.


A bonding agent is applied to the prepared tooth surface before the resin is carefully moulded to each tooth to achieve the desired shape and contour. Once your dentist is happy with the outcome, they will use a specially designed curing light to harden the bond.

Final Touches

Once the resin has hardened into place, your dentist will polish each bonded tooth to smooth any rough edges and enhance their appearance, helping them to blend with your natural teeth. Your bite will then be checked to ensure the bonding does not interfere.

Filler face

Composite Bonding From Just £295

Get started on your transformation today by booking your consultation.

Reap The Benefits Of Cosmetic Bonding

Our cosmetic bonding in Milton Keynes remains one of our most sought-after treatments amongst patients looking for subtle cosmetic tweaks. It boasts a wealth of attractive benefits, such as the following:

Quick & Easy Process

As mentioned above, composite bonding does not require multiple sessions or prolonged waiting times. Instead, our patients can enjoy instant results with no need for follow-up appointments.

Non-Invasive Treatment

Unlike other methods of perfecting your smile, composite bonding involves no injections and drilling. It is a painless experience, making it the perfect treatment for those nervous about visiting the dentist.

Award-Winning Team

We are proud to be led by a highly-skilled, award-winning team of dentists who continually go the extra mile to deliver a personal approach and create a warm, comfortable environment for patients.

Caring For Your Composite Bonding Teeth

With over 20 years of experience, our team is dedicated to caring for our patient’s teeth far beyond their treatment. For this reason, we will always provide detailed aftercare on maintaining results and ensuring long-term oral health. If you are interested in our composite bonding teeth in Milton Keynes, here are just some of our aftercare recommendations:

  • Avoid food and drink that may stain your teeth for the first 48 hours
  • Stay proactive with your annual dental check-ups
  • Schedule a hygienist appointment every six months
  • Avoid biting or chewing items that may chip the resin (i.e. pen lids)

What Our Patients Say About Us

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10 August 2023

The team at Diamond Dental MK are absolutely wonderful! I had composite bonding on six of my top front teeth, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. From start to finish, my experience was great. Such a friendly, professional team and welcoming environment.

Laura M.


Can you have composite bonding with gum disease?

Our dental bonding in Milton Keynes is common amongst patients whose gums have receded due to gum disease, as the resin can be used to fill any spaces formed between teeth. However, it is important to note that gum disease must be successfully treated before teeth can be bonded.

Are there any alternatives to composite bonding?

Absolutely! Along with our composite bonding in Milton Keynes, we also provide Invisalign treatment plans, veneers and dental crowns. During your consultation, we will always discuss your desired results and, from there, pair you with the best-suited treatment.

Who is the ideal candidate for composite bonding?

Most patients are an ideal candidate for our composite bonding in Milton Keynes; all the treatment requires is a healthy root and most of the enamel to be intact.

How long does composite bonding last?

This depends on several factors, such as how much bonding was applied and how well you care for your teeth; however, on average, composite bonding can last anywhere up to seven years before it will need to be touched up.

Can composite bonding be whitened?

Unfortunately, composite bonding cannot be whitened as the resin does not behave the same as your natural teeth enamel. It is, however, possible to ask for a brighter shade when you initially have your bonding applied so that your teeth appear whiter for longer.

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